
Tree Tech, Microinjection Insecticides

Quick overview The Tree Tech Microinjection Insecticides set a new standard for economical and environmentally safe tree health care. As traditional methods of applying chemicals and pesticides become less suited for environmentally sensitive uses, particularly in urban areas, the Tree Tech microinjection system continues to gain acceptance and wider use.

Sold Individually, Case Qty. = 25 Micro-injectors

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Tree Tech Microinjection System Insecticides sets a new standard for economical and environmentally safe tree health care.

Tree Tech Microinjection Insecticides, as traditional methods of applying chemicals and pesticides become less suited for environmentally sensitive uses, particularly in urban areas, the Tree Tech microinjection system continues to gain acceptance and wider use.

Tree Tech Microinjection Insecticides

  • Dendrex (Acephate) Microinjection Insecticide A broad-spectrum systemic insecticide for control of certain insects on trees and shrubs. Each Dendrex unit contains 1.5 grams of acephate insecticide. Dendrex is labeled for aphids, scales, sawflies, beetles, and many other common insect pests.  

Active Ingredient: Acephate 98.0%

For Control of: Aphids, Bagworms, Birch leaf miner, Tent caterpillar, Lace bugs, Tussock moth larvae, Gypsy moth larvae, Scales (crawlers), Grasshoppers, California oak worm, Cankerworms (Spring and Fall), Nantucket pine tip moth larvae, Zimmerman pine moths, Root weevil adults, Box elder bugs, Thrips, White flies, Sawflies, Budworms, Grasshoppers, Cone worms, Casebearer, Webworms, Leaf miners, Pine needle miner, Bronze birch borer, Japanese beetle, Elm leaf beetle (larvae), Tent caterpillars, Leaf rollers

  • Merit (Imidacloprid) Microinjection Insecticide The #1 tree and shrub insecticide now available as Micro-injection product. Tree Tech Microinjection Systems and Bayer Environmental Science present Merit Injectable, a powerful new product to inject in the tree trunk or root flare tissue. Merit Injectable contains more active ingredient (17.1%) than other trunk injection products on the market and is available in  easy-to-use leak-proof 3 mL. & 6 mL. units. 

Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid 17.1%

For Control of: In addition to common pests, tough-to-control insect pests such as Asian Longhorned Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer, and Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Adelgids, Aphids, Japanese beetle adults, Lace bugs, Leaf-feeding beetles (including elm and viburnum leaf beetles), Leafhoppers, Leafminers, Mealy bugs, Psyllids, Soft scales, Thrips (suppression), Whiteflies, Armored scales (suppression), Roundheaded borers (incl. Eucalyptus longhorned borer), Flatheaded borers (including bronze birch borer and alder borer), Pine tip moth, Royal palm bug, Sawfly larvae are controlled with Merit Injectable.

  • Vivid II (Abamectin) Microinjection Insecticide A new biorational insecticidal compound by Syngenta is available for controlling elm leaf beetle, scales, mites, aphids and other pests. Tree Tech is the only source of abamectin for tree microinjection in California. 

Active Ingredient: Abamectin 1.0%

For Control of:  Adelgids, Aphids, Brown tail moth, Elm leaf beetle, Lace bug, Lygus bug, Mites, Oak worm, Scale, White pine weevil, Engraver beetle, Eucalyptus borer, Flathead borer

Product description

Tree Tech Microinjection System Insecticides sets a new standard for economical and environmentally safe tree health care.

Tree Tech Microinjection Insecticides, as traditional methods of applying chemicals and pesticides become less suited for environmentally sensitive uses, particularly in urban areas, the Tree Tech microinjection system continues to gain acceptance and wider use.

Tree Tech Microinjection Insecticides

  • Dendrex (Acephate) Microinjection Insecticide A broad-spectrum systemic insecticide for control of certain insects on trees and shrubs. Each Dendrex unit contains 1.5 grams of acephate insecticide. Dendrex is labeled for aphids, scales, sawflies, beetles, and many other common insect pests.  

Active Ingredient: Acephate 98.0%

For Control of: Aphids, Bagworms, Birch leaf miner, Tent caterpillar, Lace bugs, Tussock moth larvae, Gypsy moth larvae, Scales (crawlers), Grasshoppers, California oak worm, Cankerworms (Spring and Fall), Nantucket pine tip moth larvae, Zimmerman pine moths, Root weevil adults, Box elder bugs, Thrips, White flies, Sawflies, Budworms, Grasshoppers, Cone worms, Casebearer, Webworms, Leaf miners, Pine needle miner, Bronze birch borer, Japanese beetle, Elm leaf beetle (larvae), Tent caterpillars, Leaf rollers

  • Merit (Imidacloprid) Microinjection Insecticide The #1 tree and shrub insecticide now available as Micro-injection product. Tree Tech Microinjection Systems and Bayer Environmental Science present Merit Injectable, a powerful new product to inject in the tree trunk or root flare tissue. Merit Injectable contains more active ingredient (17.1%) than other trunk injection products on the market and is available in  easy-to-use leak-proof 3 mL. & 6 mL. units. 

Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid 17.1%

For Control of: In addition to common pests, tough-to-control insect pests such as Asian Longhorned Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer, and Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Adelgids, Aphids, Japanese beetle adults, Lace bugs, Leaf-feeding beetles (including elm and viburnum leaf beetles), Leafhoppers, Leafminers, Mealy bugs, Psyllids, Soft scales, Thrips (suppression), Whiteflies, Armored scales (suppression), Roundheaded borers (incl. Eucalyptus longhorned borer), Flatheaded borers (including bronze birch borer and alder borer), Pine tip moth, Royal palm bug, Sawfly larvae are controlled with Merit Injectable.

  • Vivid II (Abamectin) Microinjection Insecticide A new biorational insecticidal compound by Syngenta is available for controlling elm leaf beetle, scales, mites, aphids and other pests. Tree Tech is the only source of abamectin for tree microinjection in California. 

Active Ingredient: Abamectin 1.0%

For Control of:  Adelgids, Aphids, Brown tail moth, Elm leaf beetle, Lace bug, Lygus bug, Mites, Oak worm, Scale, White pine weevil, Engraver beetle, Eucalyptus borer, Flathead borer

Product variants
Dendrex (Acephate) Tree Tech Microinjection Insecticide, 5 mL.
Dendrex (Acephate) Tree Tech Microinjection Insecticide, 5 mL.
Dendrex (Acephate) Microinjection Insecticide A broad-spectrum systemic insecticide for control of certain insects on trees and shrubs. Each Dendrex unit contains 1.5 grams of acephate insecticide. Dendrex is labeled for aphids, scales, sawflies, beetles, and many other common insect pests.

Active Ingredients: Acephate 98%
Insecticide Mode of Action: 1B
Application Rate Range: (see label)

Ships From Manufacturer This product is drop-shipped by the manufacturer and will be shipped UPS Ground regardless of method chosen at checkout.

State Registrations State Registrations: AL, CO, CT, DE, ID, IL, KS, ME, MD, MI, MN, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, WY

PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 25+ 50+ 75+ 100+
Price $5.20 $5.15 $5.10 $5.00
Delivery date: 3-5 Days, Ships by "UPS Ground" from Manufacturer
Vivid II (Abamectin) Tree Tech Microinjection Insecticide, 2 mL.
Vivid II (Abamectin) Tree Tech Microinjection Insecticide, 2 mL.
Vivid II (Abamectin) Microinjection Insecticide A new biorational insecticidal compound by Syngenta is available for controlling elm leaf beetle, scales, mites, aphids and other pests. Tree Tech is the only source of abamectin for tree microinjection in California.

Ships From Manufacturer This product is drop-shipped by the manufacturer and will be shipped UPS Ground regardless of method chosen at checkout.

State Registrations State Registrations: CA, CO, CT, DE, ID, IN, KS, ME, MA, MI, MO, MT, NE, NJ, NY, OK, OR, PA, TN, TX, WI

PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 25+ 50+ 75+ 100+
Price $5.64 $5.59 $5.54 $5.49
Delivery date: 3-5 Days, Ships by "UPS Ground" from Manufacturer
Additional information
Manufacturer: Tree Tech
Product tags