
BioSafe Systems

BioSafe Systems’ vision is an unwavering commitment to improving environmental health for future generations by balancing the needs of our customers with the universal sustainability requirements of protecting the land, air and water. We will achieve our vision by innovative thinking, hard work and integrity.

Protect your crops, protect your water, and protect your operation’s future with BioSafe Systems products.

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AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide, OMRI Listed, BioSafe Systems

AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide is a non-selective, weed control for grasses and broadleaf weeds. It is formulated to deliver maximum performance and provide fast-acting results on a long list of weeds and grasses, as well as most mosses and lichens.

Organic Certification(s): OMRI
Active Ingredients: Ammonium Nonanoate 40%
Herbicide Mode of Action: M
EPA Registration Number: 70299-23
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal., 275 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $124.95

AzaGuard Insecticide/Nematicide, OMRI Listed, BioSafe Systems

AzaGuard Insecticide/Nematicide is an organic insecticide effective on a wide variety of insects, including aphids, whiteflies, and thrips. It’s chemical formulation sets it apart from any other Azadirachtin based insecticide on the market today.

Organic Certification(s): OMRI
Active Ingredients: Azadirachtin 3.0%
Insecticide Mode of Action: UN
Insecticide Class:
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 1 Qt., 1 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $195.95

GreenClean Liquid 5.0 Algaecide Bactericide, BioSafe Systems

GreenClean Liquid 5.0 Algaecide Bactericide is a copper algaecide alternative that provides the power of peroxygen with the ease of a liquid application.

Active Ingredient: Hydrogen Dioxide 23.0%, Peroxyacetic Acid 5.3%
Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal., 5 Gal.

DOT Hazardous Material ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds, returns, or exchanges. This product has been classified by the US DOT as a hazardous material. Adult signature required at time of delivery.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $75.95

GreenClean Pro Granular Algaecide Fungicide, OMRI Listed, BioSafe Systems

GreenClean PRO Granular Algaecide Fungicide treats a broad spectrum of algae types, including filamentous and planktonic blue-green algae. Due to its unique APC technology, GreenClean PRO’s powerful oxidation reaction provides additional efficacy against general bacterial and fungal pathogens in the water column, including but not limited to bacterial coliforms.

Certification(s): OMRI, NSF
Active Ingredients: Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhydrate 85.0%
Container Size(s): 50 Lb. Bag

DOT Hazardous Material ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds, returns, or exchanges. This product has been classified by the US DOT as a hazardous material. Adult signature required at time of delivery.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $80.95

Oxidate 2.0 Fungicide Bactericide, OMRI Listed, BioSafe Systems

Oxidate 2.0 Fungicide Bactericide kills bacterial and fungal pathogens, offering superior protection for your organic or conventional field and row crops. Use OxiDate 2.0 for curative and preventative crop protection applications.

Certification(s): OMRI
Active Ingredients: Hydrogen Dioxide 27.1% + Peroxyacetic Acid 2.0%
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal., 30 Gal., 55 Gal., 275 Gal.

US DOT Hazmat ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds, returns, or exchanges. This product has been classified by the US DOT as a hazardous material. Adult signature required at time of delivery.

Important Information Discontinued: This Product has been discontinued by the manufacturer. It is being replaced by Oxidate 5.0.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $67.95

OxiPhos Systemic Bactericide Fungicide, BioSafe Systems

OxiPhos Systemic Bactericide Fungicide is a combination of phosphorous acid and activated peroxide that provides a one-two punch against diseases. The activated peroxide helps the phosphorous acid active ingredient to have a broader effect on targeted organisms.

Active Ingredients: Phosphorus Acid 27.1%, Hydrogen Peroxide 14.0%
Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal.

US DOT Hazmat ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds, returns, or exchanges. This product has been classified by the US DOT as a hazardous material. Adult signature required at time of delivery.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $144.95

SaniDate 12.0 Microbiocide, OMRI Listed, BioSafe Systems

SaniDate 12.0 Microbiocide is a high-strength, 12% Peracetic Acid-based microbiocide formulated as an alternative to chlorine treatments in irrigation water. Use SaniDate 12.0 Microbiocide to control water-borne pathogens and their dormant spores caused by algae, bacteria and biofilm.

Certification(s): OMRI
Active Ingredients: Hydrogen Peroxide 18.5% + Peroxyacetic Acid 12.0%
Container Size(s): 5 Gal., 55 Gal.

US DOT Hazmat ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds, returns, or exchanges. This product has been classified by the US DOT as a hazardous material. Adult signature required at time of delivery.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $158.95

SaniDate 5.0 Sanitizer Disinfectant, OMRI Listed, BioSafe Systems

SaniDate 5.0 Sanitizer Disinfectant, Keep your post harvest equipment and fruits and vegetables free of disease with SaniDate 5.0’s time-tested activated peroxide chemistry.

Organic Certification(s): OMRI
Active Ingredients: Hydrogen Peroxide 23.0% + Peroxyacetic Acid 5.3%
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal., 5 Gal., 30 Gal., 55 Gal., 275 Gal.

US DOT Hazmat ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds, returns, or exchanges. This product has been classified by the US DOT as a hazardous material. Adult signature required at time of delivery.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $81.95

ZeroTol 2.0 Broad Spectrum Algaecide Bactericide Fungicide, OMRI Listed, BioSafe Systems

ZeroTol 2.0 Algaecide, Bactericide,Fungicide for immediate control of Anthracnose, Algae, Dollar Spot, Snow Molds, and more. ZeroTol 2.0 is a peroxycompound concentrate that offers superintendents a powerful new tool for controlling a broad range of turf pathogens. ZeroTol 2.0 is a broad spectrum bactericide/fungicide formulated to kill active and dormant spores.

Certification(s): OMRI
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen Dioxide 27.1%, Peroxyacetic Acid 2.0%
Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal., 30 Gal.

DOT Hazardous Material ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds, returns, or exchanges. This product has been classified by the US DOT as a hazardous material. Adult signature required at time of delivery.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $96.95

TerraCyte PRO Algaecide Fungicide, BioSafe Systems

TerraCyte PRO is a wettable powder formulated with BioSafe’s unique and fast-acting peroxycompound chemistry. TerraCyte PRO can be applied curatively or preventatively to container-grown plants or soil surfaces to destroy liverwort, moss, algae and their spores.

Active Ingredient: Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhydrate 85.00%

Signal Word - DANGER / PELIGRO

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

TerraGrow Soil Nutrient, OMRI Listed, BioSafe Systems

BioSafe Systems is revolutionizing biological crop protection. Our microbial inoculant TerraGrow is an easy to use wettable powder blended to increase plant growth, vigor, and yield.

Organic Certification(s): OMRI
Active Ingredients: Microbial Inoculant 0.30%
Humic acids 38.0%
Organic Matter 56.0%
Total Other (Inert/Inactive) Ingredients 5.70%
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 10 & 25 Lbs.

NO REFUNDS OR RETURNS This product is perishable. No refunds or returns.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $229.95

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