

Forestry Distributing carries the widest range of insecticides for the control and management of Tree, Orchard and Forest Insects.

Insecticides are agents of chemical or biological origin that control insects. Control may result from killing the insect or otherwise preventing it from engaging in behaviors deemed destructive. Insecticides may be natural or manmade and are applied to target pests in a myriad of formulations and delivery systems (sprays, baits, slow-release diffusion, etc.). 


Some 10,000 species of the more than 1 million species of insects are crop-eating, and of these, approximately 700 species worldwide cause most of the insect damage to man’s crops, in the field and in storage.

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PREV-AM Insecticide, Fungicide & Miticide, Oro Agri USA

PREV-AM Insecticide, Fungicide & Miticide has been proven as an effective control for a wide spectrum of insects, mites and fungi. This powerful contact pesticide can be used alone for quick knockdown or tank mixed with other pesticides as a part of your resistance management program.

Active Ingredients: Sodium Tetraborohydrate Decahydrate 0.99%
Insecticide Mode of Action: 8D
Insecticide Class: Borates
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s):

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

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Min: $77.00 Max: $630.00
$77 $630