Onyx 23.4% EC Bifenthrin Insecticide controls bark beetles and borers that are some of the most devastating and difficult-to-manage pests. These voracious pests are capable of killing trees that are extremely expensive to remove and replace. Protect the health of your trees with Onyx insecticide.
FMC formulated Onyx insecticide as a preventive treatment for reliable, long-term protection against beetles and borers. While several organophosphates traditionally used to control these pests have been removed from the market, Onyx insecticide continues to be a viable, effective solution for the prevention of beetle and borer damage. To ensure your trees are protected, it is recommended to apply Onyx insecticide one to two months prior to expected adult beetle flight.
Using a hydraulic sprayer, spray the tree as directed on the label for consistent, dependable control of these target pests.