Hearken biological insecticide is a virus that targets Heliothine species, such as corn earmworm, tobacco budworm and the Old World bollworm. Used as a foliar application, Hearken is safe for beneficial and non-target organisms and complements traditional chemistries to easily fit within integrated pest management programs.
- Hearken biological insecticide is a virus that infects larvae through ingestion. On death, larvae liquify and release millions of virus particles to infect other larvae.
- Larvae with sub-lethal infections – typically larger larvae – transmit infection to their offspring hence reducing their biological fitness to continue the life cycle for the next insect generations.
- The virus that infects Heliothine species does not impact beneficial or non-target organisms, meaning you can apply with confidence.
- Designed to fit within integrated plant protection systems, Hearken is tank mix compatible with most common used insecticides, fungicides and liquid fertilizers.