
Essentria IC-3 Insecticide Concentrate, Zoecon

Quick overview Essentria IC-3 Insecticide Concentrate is an environmentally friendly pest control solution featuring active ingredients derived from essential oils. The natural liquid insecticide provides immediate knockdown and long residual control of a variety of insects, including multiple types of cockroaches and species of ticks.

Active Ingredients: Rosemary Oil 10.0%, Geraniol 5.0%, Peppermint Oil 2.0%
Insecticide Mode of Action:
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 1 Qt., 1 Gal., 30 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Important Information Discontinued: This Product has been discontinued by the manufacturer.

Essentria IC-3 Insecticide Concentrate is an environmentally friendly pest control solution featuring active ingredients derived from essential oils. The natural liquid insecticide provides immediate knockdown and long residual control of a variety of insects, including multiple types of cockroaches and species of ticks.


Natural Insecticides have been used for centuries to control and repel pests. Essentria IC-3 Insecticide Concentrate is formulated with three potent, botanically derived active ingredients – rosemary oil, geraniol, and peppermint oil – providing pest control solutions you can use with confidence around pets and children. Rosemary oil repels mosquitoes and other flying insects. Geraniol is derived from geraniums, rose and lemon plants to repel ticks, fleas, flies, and other pests. Peppermint oil kills, repels, and has larvicidal effects on a variety of insect species.

Product description

Essentria IC-3 Insecticide Concentrate is an environmentally friendly pest control solution featuring active ingredients derived from essential oils. The natural liquid insecticide provides immediate knockdown and long residual control of a variety of insects, including multiple types of cockroaches and species of ticks.


Natural Insecticides have been used for centuries to control and repel pests. Essentria IC-3 Insecticide Concentrate is formulated with three potent, botanically derived active ingredients – rosemary oil, geraniol, and peppermint oil – providing pest control solutions you can use with confidence around pets and children. Rosemary oil repels mosquitoes and other flying insects. Geraniol is derived from geraniums, rose and lemon plants to repel ticks, fleas, flies, and other pests. Peppermint oil kills, repels, and has larvicidal effects on a variety of insect species.

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Manufacturers: Envincio , Zoecon
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