- Dendrex (Acephate) Microinjection Insecticide A broad-spectrum systemic insecticide for control of certain insects on trees and shrubs. Each Dendrex unit contains 1.5 grams of acephate insecticide. Dendrex is labeled for aphids, scales, sawflies, beetles, and many other common insect pests.
For Control of: Aphids, Bagworms, Birch leaf miner, Tent caterpillar, Lace bugs, Tussock moth larvae, Gypsy moth larvae, Scales (crawlers), Grasshoppers, California oak worm, Cankerworms (Spring and Fall), Nantucket pine tip moth larvae, Zimmerman pine moths, Root weevil adults, Box elder bugs, Thrips, White flies, Sawflies, Budworms, Grasshoppers, Cone worms, Casebearer, Webworms, Leaf miners, Pine needle miner, Bronze birch borer, Japanese beetle, Elm leaf beetle (larvae), Tent caterpillars, Leaf rollers