
Avesta CS Insecticide, Amvac

Quick overview Avesta CS is a broad-spectrum insecticide containing the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin. Its ability to control a variety of pests – such as mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, spiders, flies, ticks and other listed pests – make it an ideal solution for both indoor and outdoor applications.

Active Ingredients: Lambda-cyhalothrin 9.7%
Insecticide Mode of Action: 3A
Insecticide Class: Pyrethroids
EPA Registration Number: 74530-53-5481
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 1 Qt.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: DC, VT

AVESTA CS is a broad-spectrum insecticide containing the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin. Its ability to control a variety of pests – such as mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, spiders, flies, ticks and other listed pests – make it an ideal solution for both indoor and outdoor applications. 

  • Mosquitoes
  • Ants
  • Cockroaches
  • Spiders
  • Flies
  • Ticks
  • Other listed pests 
  • IRAC Group 3 insecticide
  • MODE OF ACTION: Sodium channel modulator. Pyrethroids act on sodium channels of the nerve axon membrane. They affect the sodium channel by prolonging sodium ion influx. The excess sodium causes an electrical imbalance and results in the excessive and repetitive firing of the neurons, which disrupts normal nerve impulse transmission and leads to paralysis and ultimately the death of the insect. 
  • General surface (nonfood/nonfeed areas), crack and crevice, or spot treatment in, on and around buildings and structures and immediate surroundings. Also labeled for lawn and ornamental applications
  • Indoor and outdoor applications 
  • Lambda-cyhalothrin 9.7%
Product description

AVESTA CS is a broad-spectrum insecticide containing the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin. Its ability to control a variety of pests – such as mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, spiders, flies, ticks and other listed pests – make it an ideal solution for both indoor and outdoor applications. 

  • Mosquitoes
  • Ants
  • Cockroaches
  • Spiders
  • Flies
  • Ticks
  • Other listed pests 
  • IRAC Group 3 insecticide
  • MODE OF ACTION: Sodium channel modulator. Pyrethroids act on sodium channels of the nerve axon membrane. They affect the sodium channel by prolonging sodium ion influx. The excess sodium causes an electrical imbalance and results in the excessive and repetitive firing of the neurons, which disrupts normal nerve impulse transmission and leads to paralysis and ultimately the death of the insect. 
  • General surface (nonfood/nonfeed areas), crack and crevice, or spot treatment in, on and around buildings and structures and immediate surroundings. Also labeled for lawn and ornamental applications
  • Indoor and outdoor applications 
  • Lambda-cyhalothrin 9.7%
Product variants
Avesta CS Insecticide, 1 Qt., Amvac
Avesta CS Insecticide, 1 Qt.
AVESTA CS is a broad-spectrum insecticide containing the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin. Its ability to control a variety of pests – such as mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, spiders, flies, ticks and other listed pests – make it an ideal solution for both indoor and outdoor applications.

Priced Individually, Case Qty. = 8 x 1 Qt.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Additional information
Manufacturer: Amvac
Product tags