Pasture Pro Herbicide Eliminates Nutrient-robbing Weeds
Pasture Pro Herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide specially formulated to eliminate broadleaf weeds and brush in pastures and lawns. It contains the active ingredient 2,4-D. It is formulated for low volume applications using ground equipment. This solution kills from the roots of even the most difficult to kill weeds to enhance grazing for your pasture animals.
This product is safe to use, it allows livestock to graze immediately after the spray has dried if using Pasture Pro alone. It knocks out more than 125 species of tough broadleaf weeds and brush including wild roses, buckbrush, thistles, dandelion, clover and poison ivy. Use on most pasture grasses except on Buffalograss, Bentgrass, Kleingrass, Switchgrass and Sideoats grama (may injure and reduce seedling growth). A gallon treats 2 to 4 acres.