
Invora Herbicide, Envu

Quick overview Invora herbicide by Envu transforms invasive brush into productive forage. Invora restores your land with innovative chemistry that redefines brush control by killing brush like mesquite and huisache with a single application.

Active Ingredients: Triethylamine salt of aminocyclopyrachlor 10.80%
Herbicide Mode of Action: Group 4
EPA Registration Number: 101563-190
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 1 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Restricted Use Pesticide This product is a Restricted Use Pesticide and requires an Applicator's License for purchase. The Applicator's License must match the state for shipping.

Invora herbicide by Envu transforms invasive brush into productive forage. Invora restores your land with innovative chemistry that redefines brush control by killing brush like mesquite and huisache with a single application.


  • New active ingredient for managing rangeland
  • Effective long-term control of honey mesquite and huisache, two of the most problematic and wide-spread invasive brush species
  • Long-term control assists landowners in land restoration efforts through brush canopy reduction, revegetation of desirable herbaceous species (when present), and improved moisture, nutrient, space and sunlight utilization.
  • Proven extended treatment life, resulting in favorable economics compared to past standards
  • Control of young, actively germinating weeds through both root and shoot uptake
  • Targeted towards grazing lands use only, to avoid compost contamination from off-site transport of vegetation and manure.


Product description

Invora herbicide by Envu transforms invasive brush into productive forage. Invora restores your land with innovative chemistry that redefines brush control by killing brush like mesquite and huisache with a single application.


  • New active ingredient for managing rangeland
  • Effective long-term control of honey mesquite and huisache, two of the most problematic and wide-spread invasive brush species
  • Long-term control assists landowners in land restoration efforts through brush canopy reduction, revegetation of desirable herbaceous species (when present), and improved moisture, nutrient, space and sunlight utilization.
  • Proven extended treatment life, resulting in favorable economics compared to past standards
  • Control of young, actively germinating weeds through both root and shoot uptake
  • Targeted towards grazing lands use only, to avoid compost contamination from off-site transport of vegetation and manure.


Product variants
Invora Herbicide, 1 Gal., Envu
Invora Herbicide, 1 Gal.
Invora herbicide by Envu transforms invasive brush into productive forage. Invora restores your land with innovative chemistry that redefines brush control by killing brush like mesquite and huisache with a single application.

Priced Individually.
PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 2+
Price $200.95
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Additional information
Manufacturer: Envu (Formerly Bayer)