
Diplodia Blight

Diplodia Blight in Pine Trees   Diplodia   Diplodia   Diplodia Symtoms

Diplodia blight
most commonly affects Austrian (Pinus nigra), Scots (P. sylvestris), red (P. resinosa), ponderosa (P. ponderosa) and mugo (P. mugo) pines in New England. In addition, Diplodia sapinea is known to colonize many other conifers growing under unfavorable environmental conditions, including: eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), as well as Colorado (Picea pungens), Norway (P. abies), and white spruce (P. glauca).

Diplodia Blight Symptoms & Disease Cycle

Diplodia shoot blight can be a very destructive disease for two- and three-needle pines in New England. The fungus also occurs on five-needle pines (e.g. eastern white), but damage usually only takes place when trees are stressed. Diplodia can attack a wide array of additional conifers but most often these trees are suffering from severe abiotic stresses, such as drought. While many cankering pathogens require a predisposing stress to become established, prior stress is not required by Diplodia for infection. Although in general terms, cankering fungi typically become established through some type of wound. Wounds caused by wind, insect feeding, pruning or shearing operations and hail/snow/ice are typical infection sites. Current-season buds and shoot tips are attacked, leading to tip blight, stunted and/or wilted needles, resin flow on declining or dead shoots and a general dieback in the canopy near branch tips. Although Diplodia primarily infects new shoots, in can infected older stems through wounds. The most conspicuous symptom of Diplodia blight is stunted current season’s shoots with undersized brown needles. The cankers on infected stems often become encrusted with resin making the shoots hard. New shoots throughout the crown may be infected, although damage is generally first evident in the lower crown. Vigorous trees confine infections to the new shoots. Severely weakened trees can have entire branches die as a result of infection. Repeated infection reduces growth, deforms trees and ultimately results in tree mortality. Spores of the pathogen develop in small, black-colored fruiting structures that form on needles, fascicle sheaths, second-year cone scales, and stem bark. Spores are dispersed by splashing rain water and wind from March to October. New shoots of Austrian, mugo, ponderosa, red, and Scots pine are most susceptible when buds begin to open until the needles are fully elongated. Spores require wet conditions in order to germinate and penetrate needles and shoots. Once the fungus penetrates the needles, tissues are rapidly destroyed, resulting in stunted shoots and needles. Diplodia sapinea survives the winter within the fruiting structures that develop in killed tissues.

Diplodia Blight Management

Remove all dead tissues that have fallen to the ground that may harbor the fungus and allow it to persist at the site. If left, Diplodiawill be able to produce and disperse spores that may initiate new infections the following season. Prune and discard all blighted shoots and stems to reduce inoculum present in the canopy. For large and mature trees, this may be an unrealistic task. Badly infected branches can be pruned to improve aesthetics and reduce inoculum. Avoid fertilization if Diplodia blight is well established in the canopy. It has been shown that disease severity increases after nitrogen fertilization. The fertilization promotes the production of succulent shoots by the tree and these are easily infected by the fungus. Fungicides labeled for use in the landscape against Diplodia include: azoxystrobin, azoxystrobin+propinconazole, boscalid+pyraclostrobin, copper salts of fatty and rosin acids, copper hydroxide, mancozeb, thiophanate-methyl and trifloxystrobin. Fungicides are most effective when applied before bud-break and on 7-10 day intervals thereafter. Continue to regularly monitor the tree, and prune out any shoots that exhibit symptoms of dieback.

Author:  Nicholas Brazee
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3336 DG Lite Systemic Fungicide, Nufarm

3336 DG Lite Dispersible Granule Systemic Fungicide is formulated with patented granular dispersing technology. Mixed with water, the particles quickly disperse enabling easier and more consistent application as well as better penetration into the plant root zone.

Active Ingredients: Thiophanate-methyl 2.08%
Fungicide Mode of Action: 1
Fungicide Class: Thiophanates
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 30 Lbs.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

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3336 F Systemic Fungicide, Nufarm

3336 F Systemic Fungicide for the prevention and control of turf diseases and the diseases of annual and perennial flowers, bedding plants, foliage plants, ground covers, plus deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs.

Active Ingredients: Thiophanate-methyl 41.25%
Fungicide Mode of Action: 1
Fungicide Class: Thiophanates
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 1 Qt., 2.5 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

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Dithane 75DF Rainshield Specialty Fungicide is a unique broadspectrum protectant fungicide that offers longerlasting protection and better disease control than other fungicides in its class.

Active Ingredients: Mancozeb 75.0%
Fungicide Mode of Action: M 03
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 12 Lb.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $75.95

Dithane F-45 Rainshield Specialty Fungicide, Corteva

Dithane F-45 Rainshield Specialty Fungicide offers broad-spectrum activity and excellent rainfastness on more than 30 vegetable, fruit, field, vine and specialty crops.

Active Ingredients: Mancozeb 37.0%
Fungicide Mode of Action: M 03
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

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Junction WSP Fungicide Bactericide is a unique combination of two chemistries combined to create a broad-spectrum fungicide/bactericide. Junction, a high-quality dry flowable formulation providing a convenient solution to disease control in a wide array of greenhouse and nursery crops.

Active Ingredients: Mancozeb 15.0% + Copper Hydroxide 46.1%
Fungicide Group:M1+ M3
EPA Registration Number: 67690-59
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 5 Lbs., 6 Lbs.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

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OHP 6672 50 WP Systemic Turf & Ornamental Fungicide, OHP

OHP 6672 50 WP Turf & Ornamental Fungicide controls a broad range of ornamental diseases including anthracnose, black spot, botrytis, leaf spot, powdery mildew and scab.

Active Ingredients: Thiophanate-methyl 50.0%
Fungicide Group: 1
EPA Registration Number: 59807-6
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): Pak 4 x 8 Oz.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $24.95

Protect DF Fungicide, Nufarm

Protect DF Fungicide provides excellent control of a variety of important plant diseases. With high fungicidal activity, it is safe on turfgrass and certain ornamentals. It can be used as a preventive measure at lower labeled rates or as a curative at higher labeled rates if diseases are already established.

Active Ingredient:Mancozeb 75.0%


State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

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Shepherd (Propiconazole) Fungicide, Wedgle Direct-Inject

Shepherd Propiconazole Fungicide for systemic fungicide suppression of selected diseases in trees. For use by professional arborist/applicators with the ArborSystems Wedgle Direct-Inject Tree Injection System.

Active Ingredient: Propiconazole 14.3%


Product is Discontinued & No Longer AvailableThis product is drop-shipped by the manufacturer and will be shipped UPS Ground regardless of method chosen at checkout.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $179.95

Spectro 90 WDG Fungicide, Nufarm

Spectro 90 WDG Fungicide combines two broad-spectrum fungicides to deliver contact and systemic protection. It prevents and controls disease in turf, annual and perennial flowers, as well as bedding plants, groundcovers and trees and shrubs.

Active Ingredients: Chlorothalonil 72.0% + Thiophanate-methyl 18.0%
Fungicide Group: B1 + M5
EPA Registration Number: 1001-72
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 5 Lbs.

Important Information Discontinued: This Product has been discontinued by the manufacturer.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

T-Methyl SPC 50 WSB Systemic Fungicide, Nufarm

T-Methyl SPC 50 WSB Fungicide contains thiophanate-methyl, the active ingredient used in Cleary 3336. For control of a broad spectrum of diseases of bedding, flowering and tropical foliage plants, shrubs, trees and flowers in the landscape, interiorscape, nursery and greenhouse, containerized woody shrubs and trees, and turfgrass.

Active Ingredients: Thiophanate-methyl 50.0%
Fungicide Group: 1
EPA Registration Number: 228-628
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 4 x 8 Oz. Pak

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $24.95

OHP 6672 4.5 F Fungicide

OHP 6672 4.5 F Ornamental Fungicide controls a broad range of ornamental diseases including, anthracnose, black spot, botrytis, leaf spot, powdery mildew and scab, to name a few. OHP 6672 4.5 F is from the benzimidazole family of fungicides and appropriate resistant management practices should always be followed.

Active Ingredient:Thiophanate-methy 46.2%


REI: 12 Hours

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $204.95

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