
Spectro 90 WDG Fungicide, Nufarm

Quick overview Spectro 90 WDG Fungicide combines two broad-spectrum fungicides to deliver contact and systemic protection. It prevents and controls disease in turf, annual and perennial flowers, as well as bedding plants, groundcovers and trees and shrubs.

Active Ingredients: Chlorothalonil 72.0% + Thiophanate-methyl 18.0%
Fungicide Group: B1 + M5
EPA Registration Number: 1001-72
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 5 Lbs.

Important Information Discontinued: This Product has been discontinued by the manufacturer.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Spectro 90 WDG Fungicide, Two Active Ingredients for Powerful Control

Spectro 90 WDG Fungicide combines two broad-spectrum fungicides to deliver contact and systemic protection. It prevents and controls disease in turf, annual and perennial flowers, as well as bedding plants, groundcovers and trees and shrubs. 

Product description

Spectro 90 WDG Fungicide, Two Active Ingredients for Powerful Control

Spectro 90 WDG Fungicide combines two broad-spectrum fungicides to deliver contact and systemic protection. It prevents and controls disease in turf, annual and perennial flowers, as well as bedding plants, groundcovers and trees and shrubs. 

Product variants
This product is sold out
Additional information
Manufacturer: Nufarm