Shepherd Propiconazole Fungicide, Prevent Oak Wilt, Anthracnose, Diplodia Tip Blight*, and many leaf diseases
Shepherd Fungicide for systemic fungicide suppression of selected diseases in trees. For use by professional arborist/applicators with the ArborSystems Wedgle Direct-Inject Tree Injection System.
Shepherd Fungicide provides suppression of the diseases listed. See label for detailed application instructions and recommendations.
- Oak Wilt
- Anthracnose in Sycamores
- Dutch Elm Disease
- Leaf Diseases in Crabapple
- Powdery Mildew
- Conifer Blights
- Flower Blight
- Rust
Shepherd Fungicide Application Rate:
The number of injection sites is based on 1 injection for every 3″ to 5″ of trunk circumference. See label for details.
Oak Wilt – 3-5 ml per injection site.
Anthracnose in Sycamores – 1-2 ml per injection site.
Dutch Elm Disease – 5-10 ml per injection site.
Leaf Diseases in Crabapple – 1-2 ml per injection site.
Powdery Mildew – 1-2 ml per injection site.
Conifer Blights – 4 ml per injection site.
Flower Blight – 1-2 ml per injection site.
Rust – 1-2 ml per injection site.
Shepherd Fungicide Injection Timing of Shepherd Injections:
Sycamore Anthracnose
Leaf Diseases Of Crabapple
Powdery Mildew
Conifer Blights
Flower Blight
For these diseases, preventative applications of Shepherd Fungicide are most effective when applied in the late summer, around one month prior to the typical first frost. This allows the chemical to translocate into the bud before leaf drop. Next spring when the tree leafs out, the chemical will be in place to protect the leaf. Annual treatments are required for prevention.
Oak Wilt
Dutch Elm Disease
Applications can be made at any time during the growing season, spring through fall, provided the bark is pliable enough to accept the chemical injections. One application provides season-long protection. Retreatment can be made 12 months after initial treatment and annually thereafter.
Note: Use Shepherd Fungicide ONLY as a preventative for Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm Disease. These fungi infect the vascular system and cause plugging throughout the tree and treatment of infected trees is rarely successful. It is recommended that Shepherd Fungicide be administered by applicators trained in injection techniques and in the identification of Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm disease.
*Not labeled for Diplodia Tip Blight in California, Hawaii