
Reliant Systemic Fungicide, Quest

Quick overview Reliant Systemic Fungicide is the same as Agri-fos and provides effective treatment for SOD Sudden Oak Death along with various diseases in Ornamentals, Bedding Plants and Turf.

Active Ingredients: Mono- and di-potassium salts of Phophorous Acid 45.8%
Fungicide Mode of Action: 33
Fungicide Class: Phosphite
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 1 Qt., 1 Gal., 2.5 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Reliant Systemic Fungicide controls diseases such as: Phytophthora, Phytophthora ramorum (SOD), pythium, apple scab and many other plant pathogens.

Reliant Systemic Fungicide not only controls the pathogen, but increases the plants own immune system causing an SAR response (systemic acquired resistance) to ward off pathogen attack and speed plant recovery. Reliant can be applied many ways: foliar, soil drenched, basal bark spray, irrigation drip tape, root dip or direct injection. Reliant is cleared for use on over 146 plant types and crops including control of various tree cankers including SOD with Pentra-Bark Surfactant.

Product description

Reliant Systemic Fungicide controls diseases such as: Phytophthora, Phytophthora ramorum (SOD), pythium, apple scab and many other plant pathogens.

Reliant Systemic Fungicide not only controls the pathogen, but increases the plants own immune system causing an SAR response (systemic acquired resistance) to ward off pathogen attack and speed plant recovery. Reliant can be applied many ways: foliar, soil drenched, basal bark spray, irrigation drip tape, root dip or direct injection. Reliant is cleared for use on over 146 plant types and crops including control of various tree cankers including SOD with Pentra-Bark Surfactant.

Product variants
Reliant Systemic Fungicide, 1 Qt. Quest
Reliant Fungicide, 1 Qt.
Reliant Systemic Fungicide provides effective treatment for SOD Sudden Oak Death along with various diseases in Ornamentals, Bedding Plants and Turf.

Priced Individually, Case Qty. = 12 x 1 Qt.
PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 2+ 6+
Price $16.45 $15.95
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Reliant Systemic Fungicide, 1 Gal., Quest
Reliant Fungicide, 1 Gal.
Reliant Systemic Fungicide provides effective treatment for SOD Sudden Oak Death along with various diseases in Ornamentals, Bedding Plants and Turf.

Priced Individually, Case Qty. = 4 x 1 Gal.
PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 2+ 4+
Price $31.95 $30.95
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Reliant Fungicide, 2.5 Gal., Quest
Reliant Fungicide, 2.5 Gal.
Reliant Systemic Fungicide provides effective treatment for SOD Sudden Oak Death along with various diseases in Ornamentals, Bedding Plants and Turf.

Priced Individually, Case Qty. = 2 x 2.5 Gal.
PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 2+
Price $58.95
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Additional information
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