Alude Systemic Fungicide provides effective control of various plant diseases including black spot, scab and downy mildew. Alude is a proven performer against Phytophthora and Pythium associated with stem and canker blight. Plus, Alude offers multiple application method options and is tank-mix compatible with many pesticides. Active Ingredients: Mono- and Di-Potassium Salts
of Phosphorous Acid 53.6% Signal Word - CAUTION / PRECAUCION
Dimethoate 4 EC Systemic Incecticide Miticide, a systemic insecticide/miticide labeled for a variety of pests affecting fruits, vegetables, nuts, citrus, field, and seed crops.Active Ingredients: Dimethoate 43.5%Insecticide Mode of Action: 1BInsecticide Class: OrganophosphatesEPA Signal Word: WARNING / AVISOApplication Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal.
ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds, returns, or exchanges. This product has been classified by the US DOT as a hazardous material. Adult signature required at time of delivery.
Oasis Aquatic Herbicide, a selective systemic herbicide for management of aquatic vegetation in ponds, lakes, reservoirs, marshes, wetlands, bayous, drainage ditches, canals, and slow-moving or quiescent bodies of water including vegetation control on shoreline and riparian areas within or adjacent to these and other aquatic sites.
Quanta Systemic PGR & Fungicide for the control of diseases such as: downey mildew, phytopthora and pythium in ornamentals and bedding plants, roses, phytophthora in conifers, pythium in turf, and phytopthora and pythium diseases associated with stem and canker blight.Active Ingredient: Mono-and di-potassium salts of Phosphorus Acid 56.0% + Indole -3-butyric Acid 0.0139% Signal Word - CAUTION / PRECAUCION
Reliant Systemic Fungicide is the same as Agri-fos and provides effective treatment for SOD Sudden Oak Death along with various diseases in Ornamentals, Bedding Plants and Turf.
Active Ingredients: Mono- and di-potassium salts of
Phophorous Acid 45.8%Fungicide Mode of Action: 33Fungicide Class: PhosphiteEPA Signal Word: CAUTION / PRECAUCIONApplication Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 1 Qt., 1 Gal., 2.5 Gal.
Tenacity Herbicide is a selective, systemic herbicide that features a new mode of action for pre- and post-emergence grass and broadleaf weed control in several cool- and warm-season turf species—like keeping bentgrass out of your rough. Tenacity can also be applied on established or newly seeded turf.