
Lake Pak WSP Biological Lake Clarifier & Deodorizer

Quick overview Lake Pak WSP biological Lake Clarifier & Deodorizer biological clarifier and deodorizer contains Bacillus bacterial strains to help reduce foul odors, sludge and organic sediment while improving water quality and clarity.

Active Ingredient: Facultative bacteria

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Lake Pak WSP Biological Lake Clarifier & Deodorizer contains Bacillus bacterial strains to help reduce foul odors, sludge and organic sediment while improving water quality and clarity.


The concentrated microbial blend helps reduce ammonia, nitrate and phosphorus levels, controls methane and sulfide odors, and biodegrades nutrients and hydrocarbons.


The WSP (water soluble packet) formulation is convenient for every water feature. Our unique WSP is a highly concentrated, pre-measured, dry formula that disperses evenly as it dissolves in the water body.


Lake Pak WSP Biological Lake Clarifier & Deodorizer is a concentrated microbial product containing a proprietary blend of bacillus bacterial strains that biodegrade nutrients, organic matter and hydrocarbons to reduce foul odors and sludge in water. LakePak WSP is non-toxic to fish, humans and other animals. For these reasons, LakePak provides more consistent results in a total water quality management program.


Do not tank mix with aquatic herbicides or algaecides containing copper or bromides. If these products are used, apply at least one week prior to initial LakePak WSP application. If algae bloom is already severe, treat with an algaecide (e.g. copper products) and wait seven days before inoculating with LakePak WSP at the 3 pounds per acre foot rate.

Product description

Lake Pak WSP Biological Lake Clarifier & Deodorizer contains Bacillus bacterial strains to help reduce foul odors, sludge and organic sediment while improving water quality and clarity.


The concentrated microbial blend helps reduce ammonia, nitrate and phosphorus levels, controls methane and sulfide odors, and biodegrades nutrients and hydrocarbons.


The WSP (water soluble packet) formulation is convenient for every water feature. Our unique WSP is a highly concentrated, pre-measured, dry formula that disperses evenly as it dissolves in the water body.


Lake Pak WSP Biological Lake Clarifier & Deodorizer is a concentrated microbial product containing a proprietary blend of bacillus bacterial strains that biodegrade nutrients, organic matter and hydrocarbons to reduce foul odors and sludge in water. LakePak WSP is non-toxic to fish, humans and other animals. For these reasons, LakePak provides more consistent results in a total water quality management program.


Do not tank mix with aquatic herbicides or algaecides containing copper or bromides. If these products are used, apply at least one week prior to initial LakePak WSP application. If algae bloom is already severe, treat with an algaecide (e.g. copper products) and wait seven days before inoculating with LakePak WSP at the 3 pounds per acre foot rate.

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