
Aquatic Chemicals

Aquatic Chemicals

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CattZilla Aquatic Biological Adjuvant, Natralake

CattZilla is a pioneering adjuvant for chemical treatments of cattails, bulrush, and similar plants that grow in marshy areas. CattZilla will not kill anything but aids herbicides like glyphosate while also speeding degradation of the dead plant matter after herbicidal treatment.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $89.95

Phoslock, Phosphorus Locking Granules, SePRO

Phoslock is a patented phosphorus locking granule to restore water quality in ponds, lakes and reservoirs. Phoslock was developed by the Australian national science agency, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), to remove phosphorus from water bodies and restore water quality.

Important Information Manufacturer Change: This Product is currently changing manufacturers and is unavailable until further notice.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

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Min: $89.00 Max: $225.00
$89 $225