BrushMaster Herbicide, Superior brush and weed control with flexibility in application methods and schedules.
BrushMaster Herbicide provides economical and dependable control of multiflora rose, brambles, poison ivy, poison oak, kudzu, and many other listed vines, trees, and broadleaf weeds. A low-volatile ester Trimec herbicide complex formulation, BrushMaster controls unwanted vegetation without risk to desirable cool-season grasses when mixed with water for foliar treatments per label directions.
BrushMaster Herbicide offers the flexibility of foliar, basal bark, cut stump, or frill application methods, and can be applied almost any time of year. It breaks down rapidly in the soil, and is ideal for use on fencerows, roadside ditches and shoulders, firebreaks, around farmstead buildings, and other non-cropland areas.
For drift control, difficult to control weeds, and superior Dicamba and Glyphosate results we recommend the use of "VaporGard DRA 2.0" with this product.