Union Fungicide SC combines two powerful active ingredients to deliver exceptional performance in a single fungicide.
- Azoxystrobin controls 17 of the most common diseases, including brown patch and anthracnose. And cyazofamid offers unbeatable defense against Pythium blight, damping off, root dysfunction, and root rot. Union features a long-lasting residual control, is listed for use on all turfgrass species, and the pre-mixed formulation saves time and labor.
- Ideal for use on:
- Golf greens, tees, fairways, and roughs
- Residential lawns
- Sod farms
- Athletic fields
- Commercial lawns
- Parks
- Union SC controls:
- Pythium blight
- Pythium damping-off
- Pythium root dysfunction
- Pythium root rot
- Brown patch
- Anthracnose
- Cool weather brown patch
- Yellow patch
- Fairy ring
- Gray leaf spot
- Other listed diseases