Subdue MAXX Fungicide offers superior control of root and stem diseases caused by pythium and is a systemic fungicide a chemical compound designed to kill or stop fungal spores from germinating and creating a fungal infectionthe colonization of a tree by a pathogen (not insect) as in oak wilt or Dutch elm disease.. used for difficult pathogens, such as pythium, phytophthora, and other root and stem rot diseases. Subdue MAXX can be applied as a soil surface spray and a soil basal drench. It is a microemulsion concentrate formulation providing excellent tank mix compatibility and stability which contains no odor and mixes into a clear solution.
Subdue MAXX Fungicide can be applied as either a soil drench or foliar spray to container, greenhouse and field-grown nursery plants; non-bearing fruit and nut trees; commercial and residential landscapes; botanical gardens; and other non-residential landscapes.
Preventing loss from damaging pathogens with a responsible disease management plan is critical to managing costs, especially during these challenging economic times. Subdue MAXX can be rotated in as part of a well-planned disease management program. It is now also labeled for the prevention and control of Phytophthora ramorum, also known as Sudden Oak Death.
For control of pythium and phytophthora diseases, apply as soon as symptoms are noted or preventively to trees and shrubs growing under conditions suitable for pythium and phytophthora to occur.