Alligare Blue Super Marking Dye is an economical colorant, that indicates to the applicator where the pesticide or fertilizer mixture has been sprayed.
Product Class: Spray Indicators & DyesActive Ingredients: Highly-concentrated blue dye in an aqueous solutionEPA Signal Word: WARNING / AVISO Application Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 1 Qt., 1 Gal., 2.5 Gal.
Use Bas-Oil spray indicator with oil-based herbicide solutions such as Garlon 4, and with hydrocarbon carriers such as penetrant-diluent (ULV oils, terpenes, diesel fuel or kerosene).
Brandt Big Foot SS Blue Spray Pattern Indicator is designed to mark chemical spray solutions in agriculture and on golf courses, parks, sports turf, nursery and commercial applications. Eliminates overlapping or skipping of areas and also helps to indicate drift. Product Class: Spray Indicators & Dyes Product Type: Spray Pattern IndicatorApplication Rate Range: 6 to 10 ounces per 100 gallons of spray solution Container Size(s): 1 Qt.
Bullseye Blue Spray Pattern Indicator (SPI) is a non-staining, blue liquid polymeric colorant. Its remarkable color strength and superior performance properties are a perfect fit for use in industrial vegetation management.