Bas-Oil Red, Oil-Soluble Colorant
Bas-Oil Red Colorant is designed specifically for use as spray pattern indicators in oil-based herbicide solutions such as Garlon 4. Product Benefits: Bas-Oil Red helps make basal, dormant stem and cut-stump herbicide applications virtually foolproof by clearly and brilliantly identifying treated areas. This helps eliminate wasted time and material that can result from unintended double applications. It also helps ensure that applications to desired plant material have been successfully achieved.
Available in a red liquid formulation, Bas-Oil spray indicator last up to 6 months.
Always add Bas-Oil to the spray solution following the pre-mixing of the herbicides. Bas-Oil Red is packaged in convenient, pint "squeeze-n-measure" plastic containers.
Only use Bas-Oil Red with oil-based herbicides and hydrocarbon carriers such as a penetrant-diluent (ULV oils, terpenes, diesel fuel or kerosene). Never mix with non-oil based herbicides or in tank mixes containing less than 60% oil-based components.
Duration of Color: Bas-Oil is a long-lasting indicator. Once given time to dry on brush or trees, rain water will not wash it off. Color should be expected to last at least six months.
Alternative Use: Use as a hydraulic oil colorant at a rate of 1/2 oz. per each 5 gallons ( 15 mL per 19 L) of oil to help detect hydraulic oil leaks from equipment onto turf.