Tough broadleaf weeds and grasses can pose problems in bareground areas. Strike back with the power of Plainview SC, a broad-spectrum solution that allows you to build more into your bareground weed control program. It provides built-in Herbicide Resistance Management, long residual, less active ingredient per acre, and less measuring and mixing.
- Plainview SC is built to do it all. It provides built-in Herbicide Resistance Management with three modes-of-action for broadleaf weeds and grasses. The addition of glyphosate provides four MOAs.
- Failure to control weeds normally controlled with same herbicide and rate.
- Adjacent weeds are controlled.
- A spreading patch of a particular species.
- Surviving plants mixed with controlled plants of the same or different species.
- Plainview SC is the definition of less is more when it comes to effective bareground control. It provides long residual control with a low active ingredient rate per acre. It’s also easier to handle, measure and mix as compared to the high-rate, bulky dry herbicides that are used for bareground treatments. Plus, Plainview SC only requires standard PPE, a respirator is not required.