
Pentathlon LF Fungicide, SePRO

Quick overview Pentathlon LF Fungicide, A broad-spectrum fungicide for use as a spray for the control of many important diseases on flowers, foliage plants, ornamentals and for effective control of fungal diseases on turfgrasses.

Active Ingredient: Mancozeb - 37.0%


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Pentathlon LF Fungicide, A broad-spectrum fungicide for use as a spray for the control of many important diseases on flowers, foliage plants, ornamentals and for effective control of fungal diseases on turfgrasses.

Pentathlon LF Fungicide contains the proven active ingredient, Mancoze, which has been a staple in superintendents and turf care professionals arsenal of fungicide tools for years. Due to Pentathlon's multi-site mode of action, the risk of resistance development is extreamly low. This, plus it's proven performance on major turfgrass diseases such as Brown Patch, Leaf Spots, as well as Algae make Pentathlon an excellent choice for the foundation product in any Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program.

Product description

Pentathlon LF Fungicide, A broad-spectrum fungicide for use as a spray for the control of many important diseases on flowers, foliage plants, ornamentals and for effective control of fungal diseases on turfgrasses.

Pentathlon LF Fungicide contains the proven active ingredient, Mancoze, which has been a staple in superintendents and turf care professionals arsenal of fungicide tools for years. Due to Pentathlon's multi-site mode of action, the risk of resistance development is extreamly low. This, plus it's proven performance on major turfgrass diseases such as Brown Patch, Leaf Spots, as well as Algae make Pentathlon an excellent choice for the foundation product in any Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program.

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Additional information
Manufacturer: SePRO
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