Pedigree Fungicide SC gives turf professionals the same proven performance as granular flutolanil in an easier-to-handle liquid formulation.
- A 40% suspension concentrate, Pedigree delivers systemic disease control of brown patch, brown ring patch, fairy ring, red thread, pink patch, yellow patch, gray snow mold, large patch, and leaf and sheath spot on turf. And Pedigree offers excellent turf safety and no use site limitations.
- Pedigree contains 40% flutolanil. Developed by Nihon Nohyaku in the 1990s, flutolanil was marketed by Bayer beginning in 2003 as ProStar 70WP. It is a FRAC 7, succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicide, used for disease control in turf. Applied to the soil or base of the plant, flutolanil moves upward efficiently in the plants through acropetal translocation. Flutolanil has no documented case of resistance, making it ideal for a rotation program.
- The SC formulation of Pedigree allows turf managers to replace a granular formulation with the flexibility and ease of use of a liquid formulation. Pedigree provides exceptional control of fairy ring and brown patch disease control, while also protecting turf from key pathogens, including brown patch, fairy ring, and leaf and sheath spot.
- Turf areas: Golf courses, residential and commercial lawns, sports fields, sod farms – no use site limitations.