
Method 240SL Herbicide, Bayer

Quick overview Method 240SL Herbicide is a soluble liquid that is mixed in water and applied as a spray. Method 240SL herbicide may be applied by aerial or ground equipment for control of broadleaf weeds and woody species, including many terrestrial and riparian invasive and noxious weeds.

Active Ingredients: Postassium salt of aminocyclopyrachlor 25.0%
Herbicide Mode of Action: Group 4
EPA Registration Number: 432-1565
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Method 240SL Herbicide, for Control of Broadleaf Weeds and Woody Species

Method 240SL Herbicide is a soluble liquid that is mixed in water and applied as a spray. Method 240SL herbicide may be applied by aerial or ground equipment for control of broadleaf weeds and woody species, including many terrestrial and riparian invasive and noxious weeds. Method 240SL is registered for general weed and brush control on private, public and military lands as follows: uncultivated non-agricultural areas (such as airports, highway, railroad and utility rights-of-way, sewage disposal areas, etc.); uncultivated agricultural areas – noncrop producing (such as farmyards, fuel storage areas, fence rows, non-irrigation ditchbanks, barrier strips, etc.); industrial sites – outdoor (such as lumberyards, pipeline and tank farms, etc.) and natural areas (such as wildlife management areas, wildlife openings, wildlife habitats, recreation areas, campgrounds, trailheads, and trails). Method 240SL may be used for the release or restoration of native perennial grasses and in established, industrial turf grasses.

This product may be applied to terrestrial non-crop sites and unimproved turf sites that contain areas of temporary surface water caused by collection of water, in equipment ruts, or in other depressions created by management activities. It is permissible to treat intermittently flooded low lying sites, seasonally dry flood plains and transitional areas between upland and lowland sites when no water is present. It is also permissible to treat marshes, swamps and bogs after water has receded, as well as seasonally dry flood deltas. Method 240SL may be applied up to the waters edge. Do not apply directly to water.

Method 240SL Herbicide is registered for general weed and brush control on private, public and military lands as follows:

  • Uncultivated non-agricultural areas (such as airports, highway, railroad and utility rights-of-way, sewage disposal areas, etc.)
  • Uncultivated agricultural areas - non-crop producing (such as farmyards, fuel storage areas, fence rows, non-irrigation ditchbanks, barrier strips, etc.)
  • Industrial sites - outdoor (such as lumberyards, pipeline and tank farms, etc.)
  • Natural areas (such as wildlife management areas, wildlife openings, wildlife habitats).

Method 240SL may be used for the release or restoration of native perennial grasses and in established, industrial turf grasses.

Product description

Method 240SL Herbicide, for Control of Broadleaf Weeds and Woody Species

Method 240SL Herbicide is a soluble liquid that is mixed in water and applied as a spray. Method 240SL herbicide may be applied by aerial or ground equipment for control of broadleaf weeds and woody species, including many terrestrial and riparian invasive and noxious weeds. Method 240SL is registered for general weed and brush control on private, public and military lands as follows: uncultivated non-agricultural areas (such as airports, highway, railroad and utility rights-of-way, sewage disposal areas, etc.); uncultivated agricultural areas – noncrop producing (such as farmyards, fuel storage areas, fence rows, non-irrigation ditchbanks, barrier strips, etc.); industrial sites – outdoor (such as lumberyards, pipeline and tank farms, etc.) and natural areas (such as wildlife management areas, wildlife openings, wildlife habitats, recreation areas, campgrounds, trailheads, and trails). Method 240SL may be used for the release or restoration of native perennial grasses and in established, industrial turf grasses.

This product may be applied to terrestrial non-crop sites and unimproved turf sites that contain areas of temporary surface water caused by collection of water, in equipment ruts, or in other depressions created by management activities. It is permissible to treat intermittently flooded low lying sites, seasonally dry flood plains and transitional areas between upland and lowland sites when no water is present. It is also permissible to treat marshes, swamps and bogs after water has receded, as well as seasonally dry flood deltas. Method 240SL may be applied up to the waters edge. Do not apply directly to water.

Method 240SL Herbicide is registered for general weed and brush control on private, public and military lands as follows:

  • Uncultivated non-agricultural areas (such as airports, highway, railroad and utility rights-of-way, sewage disposal areas, etc.)
  • Uncultivated agricultural areas - non-crop producing (such as farmyards, fuel storage areas, fence rows, non-irrigation ditchbanks, barrier strips, etc.)
  • Industrial sites - outdoor (such as lumberyards, pipeline and tank farms, etc.)
  • Natural areas (such as wildlife management areas, wildlife openings, wildlife habitats).

Method 240SL may be used for the release or restoration of native perennial grasses and in established, industrial turf grasses.

Product variants
Method 240SL Herbicide, 2.5 Gal.
Method 240SL Herbicide, 2.5 Gal.
Method 240SL Herbicide is a soluble liquid that is mixed in water and applied as a spray. Method 240SL herbicide may be applied by aerial or ground equipment for control of broadleaf weeds and woody species, including many terrestrial and riparian invasive and noxious weeds.

Sold Individually, Case Qty. = 2 x 2.5 Gal.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Additional information
Manufacturer: Bayer CropScience
Product tags