Hardball Herbicide, A Unique Form of 2, 4-D that is Extremely Active
HardBall Herbicide, a "new generation" 2,4-D acid herbicide, is the perfect tool for effectively controlling broadleaf weeds in non-agricultural areas, especially where odor and volatility are important considerations. Plus, HardBall provides effective weed control even under cool conditions.
HardBall Herbicide is a macro-emulsifiable concentrate formulation intended for dilution in water for many applications. For certain specified applications, liquid fertilizer or oil may replace part or all of the water as diluents.
Addition of a nonionic surfactant, such as INDUCE or DYNE-AMIC, usually improves weed control. Preferred timing is in the early spring when sufficient weeds have emerged, and when weeds are small and actively growing, but before weeds are too mature.