Grazon P+D Herbicide is the standard for residual broadleaf weed control in pastures.
Trusted for years, Grazon P+D herbicide delivers broad-spectrum, season-long control of tough weeds that’s more effective and longer lasting than mowing or shredding. As the foundation of your pasture management program, Grazon improves grass production by reducing weed competition. You’ll get more quality grass for greater flexibility and increased grazing options.
With Grazon P+D herbicide watching over your pasture, you’ll reduce competition from broadleaf weeds to significantly improve pasture productivity. That means more high-quality grass and a healthier grazing environment to help lower feed costs and feed more cattle. An abundant supply of high-quality forage can deliver profitable results, like better body condition for faster breed-back and higher conception rates, healthier nursing calves, improved weaning weights, and overall better beef production.