FeRROMEC Liquid Iron Plus Micros 10-2-4, Premotes Rapid Turf Green-Up and Dark Green Color Compatible with Most Turf Care Products
FeRROMEC Liquid Iron Plus Micros 10-2-4 is a chelated iron formulation with important macro- and micronutrients that are essential to plant health. Designed to supplement all fertilization programs, FeRROMEC Micros provides potash, magnesium, manganese, and zinc in a form readily available to the plant. FeRROMEC Micros also maximizes plant vitality in sandy soils lacking organic matter or naturally low in micronutrients in the root uptake zone.
FeRROMEC Liquid Iron Plus Micros 10-2-4 is compatible with most soluble fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and absorbent gels. Formulated for soil and foliar applications, FeRROMEC Micros is labeled for use on many ornamental trees and shrubs, and all warm- and cool-season turf grasses.