
Fame SC Fungicide, FMC

Quick overview Fame SC fungicide is powered by fluoxastrobin the most advanced Strobilurin (FRAC 11) on the market. This fungicide is unique amongst the strobiliuron family for its 15-minute rainfastness, dollar spot suppression, and plant health benefits. Fame SC fungicide delivers excellent results on brown patch, fairy ring, summer patch and pythium root dysfunction.

Active Ingredients: Fluoxastrobin 40.3%
Fungicide Group: 11
EPA Registration Number: 279-3634
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 16 Oz., 64 Oz., 2.5 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: AK, VT

Fame  SC fungicide is powered by fluoxastrobin the most advanced Strobilurin (FRAC 11) on the market. This fungicide is unique amongst the strobiliuron family for its 15-minute rainfastness, dollar spot suppression, and plant health benefits. Fame  SC fungicide delivers excellent results on brown patch, fairy ring, summer patch and pythium root dysfunction.


- Fame SC fungicide delivers excellent Brown Patch results as well as its' unique 15 - minute rain fastness, all thanks to its active ingredient – fluoxastrobin. In addition to Brown Patch, the most advanced strobiluron on the market is engineered to also provide protection from Dollar Spot and Summer Patch, plus offers unmatched plant health benefits.


  • Rapid mobility and rainfast within 15 minutes
  • Increased root mass and root length providing additional plant health benefits
  • Rapid xylem and translaminar movement
  • FRAC 11 Fungicide


- Fame SC fungicide works by interfering with respiration in plant pathogenic fungi and is a potent inhibitor of spore germination and mycelial growth. The molecular design of fluoxastrobin with its unique Flourine group – provides increased leaf systemicity and uniform leaf distribution, giving it an advantage over other strobiluron fungicides, especially in speed of uptake.


- The addition of a flourine atom on its chemical structure means quicker uptake and even distribution within the plant. Add all of these together and you get a product that delivers superior disease control and healthier turf.

Product description

Fame  SC fungicide is powered by fluoxastrobin the most advanced Strobilurin (FRAC 11) on the market. This fungicide is unique amongst the strobiliuron family for its 15-minute rainfastness, dollar spot suppression, and plant health benefits. Fame  SC fungicide delivers excellent results on brown patch, fairy ring, summer patch and pythium root dysfunction.


- Fame SC fungicide delivers excellent Brown Patch results as well as its' unique 15 - minute rain fastness, all thanks to its active ingredient – fluoxastrobin. In addition to Brown Patch, the most advanced strobiluron on the market is engineered to also provide protection from Dollar Spot and Summer Patch, plus offers unmatched plant health benefits.


  • Rapid mobility and rainfast within 15 minutes
  • Increased root mass and root length providing additional plant health benefits
  • Rapid xylem and translaminar movement
  • FRAC 11 Fungicide


- Fame SC fungicide works by interfering with respiration in plant pathogenic fungi and is a potent inhibitor of spore germination and mycelial growth. The molecular design of fluoxastrobin with its unique Flourine group – provides increased leaf systemicity and uniform leaf distribution, giving it an advantage over other strobiluron fungicides, especially in speed of uptake.


- The addition of a flourine atom on its chemical structure means quicker uptake and even distribution within the plant. Add all of these together and you get a product that delivers superior disease control and healthier turf.

Product variants
Fame SC Fungicide, 16 Oz.
Fame SC Fungicide, 16 Oz.
Fame SC fungicide is powered by fluoxastrobin the most advanced Strobilurin (FRAC 11) on the market. This fungicide is unique amongst the strobiliuron family for its 15-minute rainfastness, dollar spot suppression, and plant health benefits. Fame SC fungicide delivers excellent results on brown patch, fairy ring, summer patch and pythium root dysfunction.

Priced Individually.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Fame SC Fungicide, 64 Oz.
Fame SC Fungicide, 64 Oz.
Fame SC fungicide is powered by fluoxastrobin the most advanced Strobilurin (FRAC 11) on the market. This fungicide is unique amongst the strobiliuron family for its 15-minute rainfastness, dollar spot suppression, and plant health benefits. Fame SC fungicide delivers excellent results on brown patch, fairy ring, summer patch and pythium root dysfunction.

Priced Individually.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Fame SC Fungicide, 2.5 Gal.
Fame SC Fungicide, 2.5 Gal.
Fame SC fungicide is powered by fluoxastrobin the most advanced Strobilurin (FRAC 11) on the market. This fungicide is unique amongst the strobiliuron family for its 15-minute rainfastness, dollar spot suppression, and plant health benefits. Fame SC fungicide delivers excellent results on brown patch, fairy ring, summer patch and pythium root dysfunction.

Priced Individually.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Additional information
Manufacturer: FMC Corporation
Product tags