
Envive Herbicide, Corteva

Quick overview A preemergence application of Envive herbicide delivers consistent control of the most challenging weeds in soybeans, including many glyphosate-tolerant or -resistant weeds.

Active Ingredients: Chlorimuron ethyl 9.2%, Flumioxazin 29.2%, Thifensulfuron methyl 2.9%
Herbicide Mode of Action: Group 2 + 14
EPA Registration Number: 352-756
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 88 Oz.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, HI, ID, MA, ME, MN, MT, ND, NH, NM, NV, OR, RI, SD, UT, VT, WA, WY

A preemergence application of Envive herbicide delivers consistent control of the most challenging weeds in soybeans, including many glyphosate-tolerant or -resistant weeds.


- The two modes of action in Envive herbicide deliver consistent control and improved herbicide resistance management of the toughest weeds, including winter annuals, Palmer amaranth, marestail, common cocklebur, morningglory, waterhemp, sicklepod, lambsquarters, and other glyphosate- or ALS-tolerant or -resistant weeds.


- Envive provides burndown of winter annual weeds, plus residual control. This allows postemergence applications to be made closer to soybean canopy, reducing the number of in-crop herbicide treatments. Envive also works well in cool, wet conditions.


Product description

A preemergence application of Envive herbicide delivers consistent control of the most challenging weeds in soybeans, including many glyphosate-tolerant or -resistant weeds.


- The two modes of action in Envive herbicide deliver consistent control and improved herbicide resistance management of the toughest weeds, including winter annuals, Palmer amaranth, marestail, common cocklebur, morningglory, waterhemp, sicklepod, lambsquarters, and other glyphosate- or ALS-tolerant or -resistant weeds.


- Envive provides burndown of winter annual weeds, plus residual control. This allows postemergence applications to be made closer to soybean canopy, reducing the number of in-crop herbicide treatments. Envive also works well in cool, wet conditions.


Product variants
Envive Herbicide, 88 Oz.
Envive Herbicide, 88 Oz.
A preemergence application of Envive herbicide delivers consistent control of the most challenging weeds in soybeans, including many glyphosate-tolerant or -resistant weeds.

Priced Individually, Case Qty. = 8 x 88 Oz.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Additional information
Manufacturer: Corteva Agriscience
Product tags