
Diuron Herbicides

Diuron Herbicides ares broad-spectrum herbicides used for weed, grass, and brush control on highway shoulders. It stops photosynthesis, which in turn causes plants to stop growing. It also inhibits seed germination. Diuron is the only active ingredient in the herbicide products Karmex DF - 80%, Diuron DF - 80%, Diuron 4L and Direx 4L- 40%. The product Krovar is a combination of diuron and the herbicide bromacil. These products can be applied as pre-emergents, that is, to control vegetation before it begins to grow, in the maintenance of gravel shoulders.

Herbicide products containing Diuron are state RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDES, and require an applicator's license for purchase within the state of CO.

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Bromacil/Diuron 40/40 Herbicide (Krovar DF), Alligare

Bromacil/Diuron 40/40 Herbicide is a broad spectrum, nonselective herbicide used to control a wide range of grasses and broadleaf weeds on non-crop and industrial sites. Bromacil 40/40 Herbicide provides proven, seasonlong control of annual and perennial grasses, broadleaf weeds and brush.

Active Ingredients: Bromacil 40.0%, Diuron 40.0%
Herbicide Mode of Action: 5 + 5
EPA Registration Number: 81927-3
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 6 Lbs., 25 Lbs.

US DOT Hazmat ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds, returns, or exchanges.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

This product has been backordered by the manufacturer. Krovar IVM and Brahma 44 in the 6 lbs size is still available.

From $71.45

Brahma 44 (Krovar, Bromacil 40/40), Sharda

Brahma 44 is a dispersible granule to be mixed in water and applied as a spray for selective control of weeds in citrus and for non-crop weed control. Brahma 44 controls many annual weeds and, at the highest rates allowed by this label, it controls certain perennial weeds.

Active Ingredients: Bromacil 40.0%, Diuron 40.0%
Herbicide Mode of Action: 5 + 7
EPA Registration Number: 83529-141
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 6 Lbs.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $72.95

Diuron 4L Herbicide, Loveland

Diuron 4L Herbicide, a non-selective residual herbicide for the control of a wide range of grasses, broadleaf weeds in land not intended to bear vegetation, including industrial sites, railways, and other non-crop situations.

Active Ingredients: Diuron 40.0%
Herbicide Mode of Action: 7
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

From $92.95

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