
Curtail Herbicide, Corteva

Quick overview Curtail Herbicide translocates to the roots of stubborn perennial weeds, providing outstanding control of Canada thistle. In addition, Curtail also controls many annual broadleaf species, such as wild mustard, wild buckwheat, pigweed, lambsquarters, volunteer sunflower and more.

Active Ingredients: Clopyralid 5.1% + 2,4-D 39.0%
Herbicide Mode of Action: 4 + 4
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal.

Important Information Reformulated: This Product has been reformulated and renamed Curtail M by Corteva. Orders for Curtail are limited to inventory on hand.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Curtail Herbicide's Translocating Activity Tears Down Tough Weeds


Curtail Herbicide for selective control of broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley not underseeded with a legume, fallow cropland, grasses grown for seed, rangeland and permanent grass pastures, conservation reserve program (CRP) acres and non-cropland.


Curtail Herbicide translocates to the roots of stubborn perennial weeds, providing outstanding control of Canada thistle. In addition, Curtail also controls many annual broadleaf species, such as wild mustard, wild buckwheat, pigweed, lambsquarters, volunteer sunflower and more. Uses for range, pasture, CRP and fallowland also are on the product label.

Product Suggestion   We recommend the use of a spray adjuvant that helps break down waxy cuticle on leaf surfaces like Cide-Kick II with this product.

Product description

Curtail Herbicide's Translocating Activity Tears Down Tough Weeds


Curtail Herbicide for selective control of broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley not underseeded with a legume, fallow cropland, grasses grown for seed, rangeland and permanent grass pastures, conservation reserve program (CRP) acres and non-cropland.


Curtail Herbicide translocates to the roots of stubborn perennial weeds, providing outstanding control of Canada thistle. In addition, Curtail also controls many annual broadleaf species, such as wild mustard, wild buckwheat, pigweed, lambsquarters, volunteer sunflower and more. Uses for range, pasture, CRP and fallowland also are on the product label.

Product Suggestion   We recommend the use of a spray adjuvant that helps break down waxy cuticle on leaf surfaces like Cide-Kick II with this product.

Product variants
Curtail Herbicide, 2.5 Gal., DOW
Curtail Herbicide, 2.5 Gal.
Curtail Herbicide translocates to the roots of stubborn perennial weeds, providing outstanding control of Canada thistle. In addition, Curtail also controls many annual broadleaf species, such as wild mustard, wild buckwheat, pigweed, lambsquarters, volunteer sunflower and more.

Priced Individually, Case Qty. = 2 x 2.5 Gal.
PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 2+
Price $182.95
Availability: 4 in stock
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Additional information
Manufacturer: Corteva Agriscience
Product tags