
Civitas One Fungicide and Insecticide, Petro-Canada

Quick overview Civitas One Fungicide and Insecticide delivers effective protection against disease and insects that can threaten the health of your turf. Treating damaged turf takes more time, effort and resources than maintaining healthy turf. OMRI Listed.

Active Ingredients: Mineral Oil 88.8%
Insecticide Mode of Action: UNE
Insecticide Class:
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Civitas One Fungicide delivers effective protection against disease and insects that can threaten the health of your turf. Treating damaged turf takes more time, effort and resources than maintaining healthy turf. Start early, and make Civitas One Fungicide a part of your IPM program to help prevent damage from taking hold in the first place.

Civitas One Fungicide products treat disease and work to prevent diseases from taking hold in the first place. A unique Mode of Action in Civitas One is Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR). Civitas helps turf become healthier and therefore less prone to stress.

In addition, Civitas One smothers insects and provide a barrier that helps prevent insects and pathogens from accepting or using the host plant. Civitas One can be used alone or in a tank mix as part of your IPM program.

Product description

Civitas One Fungicide delivers effective protection against disease and insects that can threaten the health of your turf. Treating damaged turf takes more time, effort and resources than maintaining healthy turf. Start early, and make Civitas One Fungicide a part of your IPM program to help prevent damage from taking hold in the first place.

Civitas One Fungicide products treat disease and work to prevent diseases from taking hold in the first place. A unique Mode of Action in Civitas One is Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR). Civitas helps turf become healthier and therefore less prone to stress.

In addition, Civitas One smothers insects and provide a barrier that helps prevent insects and pathogens from accepting or using the host plant. Civitas One can be used alone or in a tank mix as part of your IPM program.

Product variants
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Additional information
Manufacturer: Petro-Canada
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