
BroadStar Herbicide, Nufarm

Quick overview BroadStar is a low odor and dust-free granular pre-emergence herbicide that controls a broad spectrum of annual broadleaf and grassy weeds such as spurge, bittercress, oxalis, common groundsel and crabgrass.

Active Ingredients: Flumioxazin 0.25%
Herbicide Mode of Action: Group 14
EPA Registration Number: 59639-128
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 50 Lbs.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

BroadStar is a low odor and dust-free granular pre-emergence herbicide that controls a broad spectrum of annual broadleaf and grassy weeds such as spurge, bittercress, oxalis, common groundsel and crabgrass.


- Long-lasting BroadStar provides an exceptional value that allows you to offer more and make more — a perfect solution for your highest value customers throughout the season.


  • Low odor, dust-free granular formulation
  • Broad spectrum pre-emergence control of tough/resistant weeds
  • Long residual control
  • Unique mode of action assists in controlling weeds that have developed resistance to other herbicides
  • 3+ months of residual control


  • Commercial and residential landscapes
  • Container and field grown ornamentals
  • Non-bearing fruit and nut trees and vines
  • Non-crop areas in apartment complexes, parks, recreational areas, sidewalks, golf courses and other similar sites
Product description

BroadStar is a low odor and dust-free granular pre-emergence herbicide that controls a broad spectrum of annual broadleaf and grassy weeds such as spurge, bittercress, oxalis, common groundsel and crabgrass.


- Long-lasting BroadStar provides an exceptional value that allows you to offer more and make more — a perfect solution for your highest value customers throughout the season.


  • Low odor, dust-free granular formulation
  • Broad spectrum pre-emergence control of tough/resistant weeds
  • Long residual control
  • Unique mode of action assists in controlling weeds that have developed resistance to other herbicides
  • 3+ months of residual control


  • Commercial and residential landscapes
  • Container and field grown ornamentals
  • Non-bearing fruit and nut trees and vines
  • Non-crop areas in apartment complexes, parks, recreational areas, sidewalks, golf courses and other similar sites
Product variants
BroadStar Herbicide, 50 Lbs.
BroadStar Herbicide, 50 Lbs.
BroadStar is a low odor and dust-free granular pre-emergence herbicide that controls a broad spectrum of annual broadleaf and grassy weeds such as spurge, bittercress, oxalis, common groundsel and crabgrass.

Priced Individually, Pallet Qty. = 40 x 50 Lbs.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Additional information
Manufacturer: Nufarm
Product tags