Beyond herbicide delivers superior contact and residual control of key grasses and tough broadleaf weeds in wheat, rice, sunflower, lentil, and canola. Beyond herbicide gives crops relief from having to compete for vital resources as part of the Clearfield Production System.
Beyond Herbicide, The answer to many weed problems that have plagued rice, wheat, sunflower and canola fields can be found in Beyond Herbicide. As part of the Clearfield Production System, Beyond Herbicide provides superior contact and residual control of key grass and broadleaf weeds in all these crops.
Beyond Herbicide is registered to help with red rice escapes in varieties and hybrids of Clearfield rice. In Clearfield wheat, Beyond Herbicide is the solution for previously uncontrolled weeds, such as jointed goat grass, and suppresses feral rye. In Clearfield sunflowers, Beyond Herbicide provides control of troublesome weeds such as marshelder and cocklebur. In Clearfield canola, Beyond Herbicide provides control of two of the most economically damaging weeds, wild mustard and pigeon grass.