
Barrier 50W Herbicide, PBI Gordon

Quick overview Barrier 50W Dichlobenil Herbicide is formulated to stop all vegetative growth under asphalt when applied prior to paving. By eliminating vegetation beneath asphalt, Barrier 50W helps prevent blemishes and repairs associated with surface heaving, punctures, and sprouting weeds for several years, as long as the asphalt surface remains intact.

Active Ingredients: Dichlobenil 50.0%
Herbicide Mode of Action: 20
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 4 Lbs.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Barrier 50W Dichlobenil Herbicide is formulated to stop all vegetative growth under asphalt when applied prior to paving. By eliminating vegetation beneath asphalt, Barrier 50W helps prevent blemishes and repairs associated with surface heaving, punctures, and sprouting weeds for several years, as long as the asphalt surface remains intact. 


Barrier 50W Herbicide controls annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds, including chickweed, crabgrass, dandelion, foxtail, Poa annua, and many more as listed. And Barrier 50W Herbicide poses minimum risk to ornamentals growing adjacent to the asphalt because any roots penetrating the treated area are pruned off, and the active ingredient is not picked up by the root system. 


Product description

Barrier 50W Dichlobenil Herbicide is formulated to stop all vegetative growth under asphalt when applied prior to paving. By eliminating vegetation beneath asphalt, Barrier 50W helps prevent blemishes and repairs associated with surface heaving, punctures, and sprouting weeds for several years, as long as the asphalt surface remains intact. 


Barrier 50W Herbicide controls annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds, including chickweed, crabgrass, dandelion, foxtail, Poa annua, and many more as listed. And Barrier 50W Herbicide poses minimum risk to ornamentals growing adjacent to the asphalt because any roots penetrating the treated area are pruned off, and the active ingredient is not picked up by the root system. 


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Additional information
Manufacturer: PBI Gordon Corporation
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