
Afforia Herbicide, Corteva

Quick overview Afforia herbicide helps achieve a clean seedbed with consistent weed control for soybeans and other field crops. Two modes of action support herbicide resistance management and deliver burndown and residual control, plus crop rotation flexibility.

Active Ingredients: Flumioxazin 40.8%, Thifensulfuron methyl 5.0%, Tribenuron-methyl 5.0%
Herbicide Mode of Action: Group 2 & 14
EPA Registration Number: 352-889
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 75 Oz.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: AK, CA, HI, ID, NV, UT, VT

Afforia herbicide helps achieve a clean seedbed with consistent weed control for soybeans and other field crops. Two modes of action support herbicide resistance management and deliver burndown and residual control, plus crop rotation flexibility.


Afforia herbicide provides effective burndown of winter annuals, dandelions and volunteer canola. Lasting residual control keeps fields free of the most challenging broadleaf weeds, including kochia, lambsquarters, marestail, pigweed species, waterhemp and common ragweed.


With three active ingredients and two modes of action, Afforia is classified as a Group 2 and Group 14 premix herbicide (HRAC mode of action classification, Weed Science Society of America). Combining multiple modes of action supports resistance management programs by preventing weed escapes and the spread of resistant weed biotypes.


Soybeans may be planted one day after applying Afforia. Afforia also has short preplanting intervals for many other crops, including field corn, sorghum, wheat, cotton and rice. This flexibility helps growers respond to changing weather and market conditions.



Product description

Afforia herbicide helps achieve a clean seedbed with consistent weed control for soybeans and other field crops. Two modes of action support herbicide resistance management and deliver burndown and residual control, plus crop rotation flexibility.


Afforia herbicide provides effective burndown of winter annuals, dandelions and volunteer canola. Lasting residual control keeps fields free of the most challenging broadleaf weeds, including kochia, lambsquarters, marestail, pigweed species, waterhemp and common ragweed.


With three active ingredients and two modes of action, Afforia is classified as a Group 2 and Group 14 premix herbicide (HRAC mode of action classification, Weed Science Society of America). Combining multiple modes of action supports resistance management programs by preventing weed escapes and the spread of resistant weed biotypes.


Soybeans may be planted one day after applying Afforia. Afforia also has short preplanting intervals for many other crops, including field corn, sorghum, wheat, cotton and rice. This flexibility helps growers respond to changing weather and market conditions.



Product variants
Afforia Herbicide, 75 Oz.
Afforia Herbicide, 75 Oz.
Afforia herbicide helps achieve a clean seedbed with consistent weed control for soybeans and other field crops. Two modes of action support herbicide resistance management and deliver burndown and residual control, plus crop rotation flexibility.

Priced Individually, Case Qty. = 8 x 75 Oz.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Additional information
Manufacturer: Corteva Agriscience
Product tags