
Acramite 50WS Miticide, Chemtura

Quick overview Acramite 50WS Miticide versatile spider mite protection on specialty crops. This innovative product attacks spider mites at all stages, delivering peace of mind all season long.

Active Ingredient: Bifenazate 50.0%
Insecticide Mode of Action: UN Bifenazate
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 1 lb Bag

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Acramite 50WS Miticide versatile spider mite protection on specialty crops. This innovative product attacks spider mites at all stages, delivering peace of mind all season long. With over 15 years of real-world results behind it, and a sterling reputation in today’s marketplace, you can trust Acramite 50WS Miticide to deliver the proven protection your crops need, while going easy on predator mites and beneficials you work hard to preserve.

Acramite 50WS Miticide is a selective miticide for the control of a variety of mite pests on apples; grapes; fruiting vegetables, cucurbits, hops, stone fruit, ,blackberry, loganberry, raspberry, wild raspberry; tree nuts ,including almonds, beechnuts, butternuts, chestnuts, chinquapins, filberts (hazelnuts), hickory nuts, pecans and walnuts; and for seed production only on grass.

Product description

Acramite 50WS Miticide versatile spider mite protection on specialty crops. This innovative product attacks spider mites at all stages, delivering peace of mind all season long. With over 15 years of real-world results behind it, and a sterling reputation in today’s marketplace, you can trust Acramite 50WS Miticide to deliver the proven protection your crops need, while going easy on predator mites and beneficials you work hard to preserve.

Acramite 50WS Miticide is a selective miticide for the control of a variety of mite pests on apples; grapes; fruiting vegetables, cucurbits, hops, stone fruit, ,blackberry, loganberry, raspberry, wild raspberry; tree nuts ,including almonds, beechnuts, butternuts, chestnuts, chinquapins, filberts (hazelnuts), hickory nuts, pecans and walnuts; and for seed production only on grass.

Product variants
Acramite 50WS Miticide, 1 Lb.
Acramite 50WS Miticide, 1 Lb.
Acramite 50WS Miticide versatile spider mite protection on specialty crops. This innovative product attacks spider mites at all stages, delivering peace of mind all season long.

Sold Individually, Case Qty = 2 x 2.5 Gal.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Additional information
Manufacturer: Chemtura AgroSolutions
Product tags