Introducing Surtain herbicide for corn, a powerful PPO residual with innovative solid encapsulation technology that allows for pre- or early post-application. Don’t chase weeds. Attack them.
- Surtain herbicide is the latest innovation for corn acres from BASF. With novel solid encapsulation technology, it brings powerful PPO residual chemistry into a pre- through early post-application.
- Surtain herbicide is the first of its kind and a truly new early-season solution for fighting resistant weeds and preserving the tools you use for seasons to come. You can now apply a group 14 herbicide pre- through early post-emergence and get excellent crop safety and residual weed control.
- Surtain herbicide combines residual endurance, a unique chemistry, and flexibility to control or suppress 79 grass and broadleaf weeds, including waterhemp and giant ragweed. Once weeds reach 6 inches, they can cause a 7% yield loss. Now you have a powerful PPO inhibitor herbicide to attack them before they have a chance to emerge.
- What makes Surtain herbicide noteworthy? From the naked eye, it remains a liquid. But on a microscopic level, this first-of-its-kind formulation protects the active ingredient in a solid form until water hits the chemical and activates it. Solid capsule herbicide technology maintains crop safety while unleashing powerful PPO residual chemistry early in the season.