
Mountain Pine Beetle

Mountain Pine Beetle Product Combos

The mountain pine beetle (MPB), Dendroctonus ponderosae, is native to the forests of western North America. Periodic outbreaks of the insect, previously called the Black Hills beetle or the Rocky Mountain pine beetle, can result in losses of millions of trees. Outbreaks develop irrespective of property lines, equally evident in wilderness areas, mountain subdivisions, and back yards. Even windbreak or landscape pines many miles from the mountains can succumb to beetles imported in infested firewood.

Mountain pine beetles develop in pines, particularly ponderosa, lodgepole, Scotch, and limber pine. Bristlecone and pinyon pine are less commonly attacked. During early stages of an outbreak, attacks are limited largely to trees under stress from injury, poor site conditions, fire damage, overcrowding, root disease, or old age. However, as beetle populations increase, MPB attacks may involve most large trees in the outbreak area.

The mountain pine beetle product combos available from Forestry Distributing feature the very same products tree and forestry professionals use. Our products provide both effective preventative protection and proven curative treatments for professional results.



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