Liberty 280 SL Herbicide is a non-selective herbicide that provides control of a broad spectrum of broadleaf and grassy weeds. Liberty 280 SL Herbicide is registered for use:
- As a burndown treatment prior to planting or prior to emergence of canola, corn, sweet corn, cotton, soybean, and sugar beet.
- Post emergence weed control herbicide to be applied on LibertyLink (LL) crops including LL canola, LL soybeans, LL corn, LL sweet corn, and LL cotton
- Post emergence weed control herbicide to be applied on cotton with a hooded sprayer only
Liberty Herbicide is simply better weed control. When you buy Liberty herbicide and apply it according to label instructions and S.T.O.P. guidelines, we guarantee it will meet commercially acceptable control. If commercially acceptable control isn’t met, talk to your retailer or Bayer representative to ensure your satisfaction.