
Azatrol EC Insecticide, OMRI Listed, PBI Gordon

Quick overview Azatrol EC Insecticide contains azadirachtin, a botanical insecticide and miticide with multiple modes of activity and plant protection. OMRI Listed.

Active Ingredients: Azadirachtin 1.2%
Insecticide Mode of Action: UN
Insecticide Class:
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 1 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

Important Information Discontinued: This Product has been discontinued by the manufacturer.

Azatrol EC Insecticide contains azadirachtin, a botanical insecticide and miticide with multiple modes of activity and plant protection. In addition to insect growth regulation preventing maturity and reproductions, Azatrol also acts to repel hungry insects, preventing destruction of plant tissue. Many insect species will also avoid laying eggs on Azatrol treated plant tissue for double protection.


Azatrol EC Insecticide controls a broad range of insects and excels in management of lepidoptera and other chewing and sucking insect pests on both turf and ornamentals. Azatrol can also be tank-mixed with other insecticide products to treat heavy infestations. The addition of Azatrol to a tank-mix can significantly broaden the insect control spectrum of many other insecticides.

Product description

Azatrol EC Insecticide contains azadirachtin, a botanical insecticide and miticide with multiple modes of activity and plant protection. In addition to insect growth regulation preventing maturity and reproductions, Azatrol also acts to repel hungry insects, preventing destruction of plant tissue. Many insect species will also avoid laying eggs on Azatrol treated plant tissue for double protection.


Azatrol EC Insecticide controls a broad range of insects and excels in management of lepidoptera and other chewing and sucking insect pests on both turf and ornamentals. Azatrol can also be tank-mixed with other insecticide products to treat heavy infestations. The addition of Azatrol to a tank-mix can significantly broaden the insect control spectrum of many other insecticides.

Product variants
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Additional information
Manufacturer: PBI Gordon Corporation
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