Avenue South Broadleaf Herbicide for Turfgrass, Fast, dependable broadleaf weed control in improved warm-season turfgrasses
Avenue South Broadleaf Herbicide for Turfgrass is formulated to deliver fast broadleaf control in the South’s warm weather and sensitive southern grasses - including Floratam and other improved St. Augustinegrass varieties. A proprietary formula designed for speed and performance, Avenue South delivers rapid, dependable control of clover, dollarweed, spurge, and Virginia buttonweed, plus more than 90 broadleaf weeds, and Avenue South does it with an exceptional degree of turf safety in sensitive warm-season grasses.
For drift control, difficult to control weeds, and superior Dicamba and Glyphosate results we recommend the use of "VaporGard DRA 2.0" with this product.