AquaStrike Aquatic Herbicide is a convenient combination of Aquathol K and Diquat Dibromide. AquaStrike is designed and formulated for fast and effective control of many submersed nuisance and exotic aquatic plants.
AquaStrike can be used alone, or in combination with Hydrothol 191 or Symmetry NXG for added algae control. This product provides fast results and only requires a relatively short contact time making it ideal for boat lanes and lake shores (spot and strip treatments). There’s no need for tank mixing with the premix combination that provides a dual mode of action.
Aquatic Products may not be registered for use in your state or locale. Check to be sure a specific use pattern is approved in your area before you purchase. Check product labeling or your local state agency for more information. Most current product labels are available by visiting the product manufacturers website or at