Accent Q herbicide delivers selective postemergence grass and broadleaf weed control under a variety of conditions in field corn, seed corn, sweet corn and popcorn.
- Selective postemergence contact plus residual control protects corn from the toughest grass and broadleaf weeds, including foxtails, wild proso millet, woolly cupgrass and fall panicum.
- The “Q” means farmers can confidently apply Accent Q under diverse weather conditions, on a wide variety of seed corn inbreds, sweet corn hybrids and popcorn varieties, with a broad range of adjuvants.
- Accent Q herbicide is a water-dispersible granule used at a rate of 0.45 to 1.8 ounces per acre for selective postemergence grass weed control in field corn grown for seed or grain, popcorn and sweet corn.