Tempo SC Ultra Cyfluthrin 11.8% Insecticide is the fastest-acting insect control on the market. Active Ingredients: Cyfluthrin 11.8%Insecticide Mode of Action: 3AInsecticide Class: PyrethroidsEPA Signal Word: CAUTION / PRECAUCIONApplication Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 240 ml., 900 ml.
Termidor SC Termiticide Insecticide is 100% effective at controlling 100% of termites in three months or less - a statement no other termite control product can make.Active Ingredients: Fipronil 9.1%Insecticide Mode of Action: 2BInsecticide Class: Phenylpyrazoles EPA Signal Word: CAUTION / PRECAUCIONEPA Registration Number: 7969-210Application Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 20 Oz.
Terrier Systemic Antibiotic a ready-to-use systemic antibiotic for palms, ornamental trees and large woody shrubs providing seasonal suppression for diseases listed below. Preventive application is more effective than suppressive treatment in trees showing disease symptoms.
Active Ingredient: Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride 4.3%
This product is drop-shipped by the manufacturer and will be shipped UPS Ground regardless of method chosen at checkout.
Tim-bor Professional Insecticide and Fungicide can be sprayed onto wood for the control of carpenter ants, drywood termites, wood decay fungi and wood boring beetles. It is a water soluble borate powder that can be applied as a dust, spray, foam or mist onto wood and cellulosic materials or inside wall voids, cracks and crevices.Active Ingredients: Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate 98.0%Insecticide Mode of Action: 8DInsecticide Class: BoratesEPA Signal Word: CAUTION / PRECAUCIONApplication Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 1.5 Lbs., 25 Lbs.
Transtect 70WSP Insecticide is a soil applied, systemic insecticide that provides season long control of a broad spectrum of pests. It’s unique properties provide rapid uptake and efficacy.Active Ingredients: Dinotefuran 70.0% Insecticide Mode of Action: 4AInsecticide Class: NeonicotinoidsEPA Signal Word: CAUTION / PRECAUCIONApplication Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 20 WSP Pack Canister