26GT Fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide that provides unsurpassed control of brown patch, dollar spot, various leafspots, and a variety of other turf diseases.
Active Ingredients: Iprodione 23.3%Fungicide Mode of Action: 2Fungicide Class: DicarboximidesEPA Signal Word: CAUTION / PRECAUCIONApplication Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal.
Not for Sale to: VT
Discontinued: This Product has been discontinued by the manufacturer
Raven Fungicide delivers a unique, multi-site mode of action to provide effective control of many key diseases such as dollar spot, leaf spot, brown patch, fusarium patch, and pink & gray snow molds in a variety of turf and ornamental applications.Active Ingredient: Iprodine 23.3%Signal Word - CAUTION / PRECAUCION
This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer.