
Products tagged with 'Penetrant'

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Super 7 Surfactant, Brandt

Brandt Super 7, Surfactant, Penetrant, Deposition Aid, Acidifier, a non-ionic, low foam surfactant that enhances the activity and effectiveness of pesticides and foliar nutrients. Provides more uniform coverage by decreasing surface tension of spray solutions, thus aiding in penetration.

Active Ingredients: Polyethylene glycol monoundecyl ether, Lecithin and Propanoic acid 82.5%
Product Class:
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 1 Gal.

State Registrations Not for Sale to: ID, VT

From $35.95

VINTRE Penetrant-spreader-wetting aid for trees, vines, berries and small fruits, Oro Agri USA

VINTRE Foliar Adjuvant for Trees and Vines, scientifically advanced adjuvant designed for improving the efficacy of inputs used on trees and vines. VINTRE Foliar Adjuvant for Trees and Vines has been shown to provide superior spreading, wetting and penetration compared to alternative surfactants such as crop oil concentrates (COC), methylated seed oils (MSO), high surfactant methylated seed oils (HSMOC), silicone surfactants (SS) and non-ionic surfactants (NIS).

Active Ingredient: Alcohol Ethoxylate 8.15%

Signal Word - WARNING / AVISO

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT

WETCIT Penetrant Spreader Wetting Aid Surfactant, Oro Agri USA

WETCIT Penetrant Spreader Wetting Aid Surfactant is the industry-leading adjuvant and has been shown to provide superior spreading, wetting and penetration compared to alternative surfactants such as crop oil concentrates (COC), methylated seed oils (MSO), high surfactant methylated oil concentrates (HSMOC), silicone surfactants (SS) and non-ionic surfactants (NIS).

Active Ingredient: Alcohol Ethoxylate 8.15%

Signal Word - WARNING / AVISO

State Registrations Not for Sale to: VT