Sluggo Plus for outdoor use around residential sites. Sluggo Plus kills earwigs, cutworm, sowbugs, pillbugs, crickets, ants (excluding Fire Ants, Harvester Ants, Pharaoh Ants, and Carpenter Ants), slugs, and snails. It contains Iron phosphate, and Spinosad, derived from a naturally-occurring soil dwelling bacterium. Sluggo Plus comes in an easy-to-use pellet formulation.
Organic Certification(s): OMRI
Active Ingredients:
Iron phosphate 0.97% Spinosad 0.07%
EPA Signal Word: CAUTION / PRECAUCIONEPA Registration Number: 67702-24-54705
Application Rate Range: (see label)
Container Size(s): 1 Lb., 2.5 Lbs., 5 Lbs., 10 Lbs.
Not for Sale to: VT